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Board Orientation


Opening Devotional by LHFH Board Member, Janet Beard. Watch here.













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Homeownership Program


Homeownership Program Overview

Family Services Director, April Smith, introduces our Homeownership program.  Watch a video of the presentation below (recommended) or download the PowerPoint file (desktop only) here. Sound on.















Program Requirements 

Program participants must meet criteria, such as having a household income below 60% of Area Median Income.  Read here.


Homebuyer Education

LEX18 visited our homebuyer classes and spoke with LHFH Homebuyer, LaToya. Watch here.













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New Construction Story

LEX18 visits LHFH Homebuyer Norma a year after she moves in to see how affordable homeownership has impacted her life. Watch here














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The People We Partner With

Because we believe in a world where EVERYONE has a decent place to live, we partner with from folks from all walks of life. Here are a few examples of homeowner biographies from our 2020 class of Homebuyers (click previews below to view PDFs). 


Love Your Neighborhood


Program Overview

LHFH Family Services Director, April Smith, introduces Love Your Neighborhood, our critical home repair and preservation program. Watch a video of the presentation below (recommended) or download the PowerPoint file (desktop only) here. Sound on.

















Program Requirements 

Program participants must meet criteria, such as having a household income below 60% of Area Median Income.  Read here.


Critical Home Repair Story: Kathy

Kathy told us "If it weren't for Habitat, I would be in a nursing home." Hear what else she had to say when we visited her with LEX18. Watch here














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Critical Home Repair Story: Angela

Angela was thrilled with the work and even more excited to be able to say "I'm able to stay in my home". Watch here














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Neighborhood Clean Up

In addition to building and repairing homes, we also perform park and neighborhood cleanup projects. The largest, most successful example of this is when we partnered with the Police Department, Parks Department and over 150 volunteers to revitalize Douglass Park in 2015 and 2016. Watch here.
















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Housing Solutions


Housing Solutions Presentation

Brandi, Jeremiah and McKay review short & long-term housing strategies for LHFH, as recommended by the LHFH Ad-Hoc Housing Solutions Committee. Watch here.














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Housing Solutions Roundtable

LHFH Resource Development Director Jeremiah Myers sits down with LHFH board members Brandi Peacher and McKay Moore. Watch here.














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Single Family Attached Homes 

We are adapting to the community’s changing landscape and plan to build a set of five single family attached homes, or townhomes, for the first time. Read more here.





















Access to Homeownership

This evidence brief by Habitat for Humanity International provides information on who currently has access to Homeownership and what factors play a role. Read here





Advocacy Overview

Amy Preece, our Facilities Manager, also serves as our advocacy ambassador. Here she introduces Cost of Home, our advocacy campaign. ​Watch a video of the presentation below (recommended) or download the PowerPoint file (desktop only) here. Sound on.















Federal Policy Agenda

This Agenda outlines several high-impact policy solutions that Habitat is prioritizing to significantly mitigate home affordability challenges, especially for low-income families and families of color. Read here.


Racial Equity in Housing

Housing inequality is a primary culprit behind the large racial wealth gap between Black and white households in the U.S. Read here


Affordability Fact Sheet

The 2019 State of Home Affordability in Kentucky sheet by Habitat International. View here.


Post-Election Priorities for Housing Stability

As newly elected and re-elected leaders plan their 2021 agendas, members of Congress, the Executive Branch, governors, state legislators, mayors, and city and county councils must prioritize investments in housing as infrastructure and a vital part of economic recovery. Learn how you can support our post-election priorities for housing stability and investment. Add your voice to our advocacy efforts here.


How Historic Housing Discrimination Contributes To Inequalities

Habitat International hosted a discussion on how historic housing discrimination against Black Americans contributes to racial inequities today. Watch here.














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