Due to local forecasts predicting hazardous road conditions and severe weather, the 16th Annual Shamrock Shuffle 3K has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 19. In-person shufflers should proceed with one of the following options:
Option #1: Race In-Person Next Saturday Please arrive at Fasig-Tipton in time to race at the start time you selected during registration. To see your start time, check your confirmation email or the back of your race bib. OR Option #2: Transition To The Virtual Race If at any time you would prefer to transition to the virtual race you are free to do so. Virtual participants can walk/run 1.86 miles at any location and submit their time from March 12-31. Virtual participants still receive an event shirt and bib, are eligible to win awards and can take part in the virtual costume contest. Shufflers who would like to transition to virtual can email this request with their full name to info@shamrockshuffle3k.com or transfer themselves at www.ShamrockShuffle3K.com. Directions: Log in, click Profile, click Manage Registration, click Transfer Event from the header, click Start Transfer and move through the steps. Packet Pickup is still happening as scheduled. If you haven't already picked up your shirt and bib, come see us on Friday, March 11 from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. at 817 Winchester Road. Thanks for hanging in there with us as we do our best to make this a safe, fun event that accomplishes our goal of supporting affordable housing through Lexington Habitat for Humanity. As noted in the registration process, we have a no refund policy. The funds for the event have already been spent in preparation for race day and are committed to supporting affordable housing efforts. For questions, contact us at info@shamrockshuffle3k.com. Whether you are joining us next week - or from afar - best of luck and thank you for shuffling for shelter! Thank you, Your Shamrock Shuffle Team
info@shamrockshuffle3k.com 859.252.2224 Ext. 115 shamrockshuffle3k.com P.S. - Our sister event, Lexington St. Patrick's Day Festival, also announced this morning that they are rescheduling for Saturday, March 19, from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Moondance Amphitheater. The parade scheduled for March 12 was cancelled.